HTML Tags! (Pt. 4)
With creating a menu for my job that I currently work at being Rooster’s Wings and Brew, I have been using more and more HTML that I will later be using JavaScript along with it. Let’s get into it! More HTML tags that I will be using and that you should too!
Picture is one of the best things that I’ve come to find out about. According to w3 schools, the picture tag gives web developers more flexibility with image resources such as resizing a picture if certain requirements are met such as someone viewing a website through a phone, tablet vs a computer. A way to differentiate a picture can be using two different pictures or using the same one with two different sizes.
This is the easiest way to use the picture tag. The next tag we will be talking about is the template tag. This is something that has been revolutionary to me because of how useful it is. W3 Schools defines this as a container tag that holds some HTML content hidden from the user when the page loads. The template can be rendered later with Javascript. I will be using the example from w3 schools because I believe their code is the most clean for trying to explain whats going on.
Whats going on above is that we have JavaScript that will be showing hidden content when clicking the button and you’ll see a picture of a flower!
That’ll be it for all of my html tags. Just bite size blogs to keep things interesting and easy for everyone reading! I appreciate anyone who ever read any of my blogs and once again. Have a wonderful day!